The Ronneby cultural school has a savings requirement of two million, which now seems to mean that 1.8 services will be removed from the school, provided that the negotiations with the trade union parties can be completed as planned. Then it is the director of cultural management Tobias Ekblad who makes the decision formally.

It is not clear how many teachers will be affected, but that there may be several confirmed by Tobias Ekblad.

- It can be. Now we will first see who are employed in the areas of drama, picture and piano and draw up a list of turns, he says.

Concern in the school orchestra

Previously, there was a proposal that all wind and string instrument teachers should be removed. A proposal that created concern among staff, students and parents.

- It was a proposal, but we have now backed it off, says Tobias Ekblad, head of administration at Ronneby municipality's educational administration.

Staff's own suggestions

He is the head of administration who has been assigned the task of finding a solution. The staff has submitted their own savings suggestions and is doing everything possible to keep as much of the teaching as possible at the School of Culture. Among other things, they propose other premises with lower rents, for example the dance business.

The education administration has taken note of the staff's proposals and has looked at the different options. A decision on the future of the Culture School is expected in mid-February. But already, trade unions and staff have been given access to a proposal.

- I have my focus on making it as good as possible for Ronneby's youth, says Ekblad.

The cultural school in Ronneby is threatened by savings. Photo: Cajsa Bengtsson / SVT

Savings not enough

Saving 1.8 services is not enough for the cultural school to meet its budget. The cultural school must also raise its fees by one hundred percent.

- With this increase, we end up at the same fee level that is found in other municipalities in Blekinge, says Tobias Ekblad.

Criticizes the proposal

One of the employees of the cultural school, theater educator Gudrun Claesson, who is also a union representative for the Teachers' Union, criticizes the savings proposal.

- I think it's very boring. There will be deterioration, especially for Ronneby's children and young people. The proposal means breaking down a well-functioning business, which has been built up for many years, says Gudrun Claesson.