Yesterday he was walking on their knees, speaking their language, and defending their policies, but he no longer did so, after the man found himself fired, chased after curses, and knives were known to him, that he was John Bolton, former adviser to US President Donald Trump.

He got out of his back door angry, without talking too much about the reasons for leaving his prestigious job, which his former comrades said he fought for, while the president underestimated his advice.

The seventy-man with a dense mustache is a conservative hawk, and represents a model for the right-wing committed and the ideal guest on right-wing TV and radio channels in support of President Donald Trump; he has defended the right's policies, as well as the president over the past years.

His political history has been characterized by extreme loyalty to Israel, warred by wars, and support for the use of heavy hands against US enemies.

Bolton has been a staunch supporter of the Iraq war, and has consistently supported military action to change order in Syria, Libya, and Iran, and the use of military force against North Korea.

He is a staunch opponent of the Iranian nuclear deal signed by major powers in May 2015, before the Trump administration ousted him, with Bolton's backing last year.

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Bolton promises to have strong knowledge of the corporations of the American political bureaucracy as a lawyer who studied law at the prestigious Yale University, previously worked at the Department of Justice during President Ronald Reagan's rule, and joined the State Department under George W. Bush. At the same time, he has a loyal loyalty to the Republicans.

No longer a friend
The reason for the anger of Trump supporters is that Bolton - who left office in September 2019, after disagreements with the Republican President - that he was willing to testify in the case of Trump's removal before the House of Representatives, and repeated this after the trial began in the Senate, but more than that He spoke out against the president in a new book that some of his excerpts have been leaked.

Republicans and Trump's allies have repeatedly tried to discredit Bolton's credibility and discredit him after unveiling aspects of his unpublished memo confirming the main charge against the president in his impeachment trial in the Senate; that Trump was directly involved in pressuring Ukraine to suspend military aid approved by Congress unless Officials are conducting investigations into alleged commercial activities in Ukraine against the son of his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.

On "Fox News", Sean Hannity attacked Bolton's presenter because of the book's extracts, and challenged him to come to his show to say that, and he said, "I knew John Bolton two decades ago, as I remember, he used to be a fellow here on Fox News." ". However, due to its positions, the network removed it from the list of friends who participate in its programs after more than a decade of regular appearances.

Hannity was not the only Trump ally to try to discredit Bolton this week. In an interview with CBS this morning, Wednesday, Trump's attorney, Rudi Giuliani, described what he had done as a "stab in the back." "I find his testimony about the president almost unbelievable," Giuliani said. "I cannot imagine that the President of the United States told him that."

Trump also went out to challenge his former employee, saying that he pleaded with him to give him a job, stating that he was "expelled because he was frankly if he listened to him, but now we are in World War VI, then he goes on to write a false and evil book. All information is related to national security, who does that ?! "

What did he say in the book?
The former national security adviser claims that Trump told him last August that he wanted to continue withholding military aid to Ukraine until country officials agree to help investigate his Democratic rivals. Bolton's comments contradict the president's legal defense team's assertions that there are no conflicts of interest in the case with Ukraine.

According to the New York Times - which obtained a copy of the excerpts - Bolton claimed that Trump linked the release of nearly four hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine to the investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter over commercial activities there.

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The newspaper said that Trump's top aides - including Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Mark Esper - urged Trump to release the aid approved by Congress, but Trump said during a discussion with Bolton in August 2019 that he would prefer not to send aid to Ukraine until he delivers Officials there are all the materials they have on the Biden investigation, as well as supporters of Hillary Clinton in Ukraine.

Bolton's desire to testify is likely to lead to new pressure on Republican Party leaders in the Senate to allow new witnesses to isolate Trump, but this move has its dangers, because what Bolton will say may answer the main accusation against Trump of abusing powers, and tampering with security Al-Watani, for personal political interests, as he wanted - according to the Democrats' view - to limit Biden's chances of competing to win the presidency of 2020.

From a legal point of view, the President has the right to keep his discussions with his top advisers confidential, and not inform Congress of it, as he has the right to ask members of his administration and aides not to speak to Congress.

Facing the threat of his testimony, the administration opposed the publication of Bolton's book, and the White House told the former National Security Adviser that his book in print appeared to contain "a large amount of classified information" and could not be published in its current form, thereby displacing an imminent threat posed by information the book.

In light of what is happening now, it appears that the Trump administration has prepared to obstruct Bolton's testimony. The White House previously prevented the man from testifying before the House of Representatives, while his testimony before the Senate required passing a law permitting this in a House in which Republicans have a majority.