The German expert in the field of infectious diseases, Brander Salzburger, said that the measures to protect citizens from infection with the Corona virus - such as putting a muzzle - are unnecessary, stressing that the health authorities in Germany are doing their job "wonderfully," according to what the German news agency quoted.

The German expert explained that the so-called face masks, which are similar to the masks of surgeons, were not intended to protect humans from infection, but were originally intended to prevent the arrival of infectious drops from the respiratory system of surgeons to the area of ​​surgery.

The same spokesman stressed that this mask is feasible and useful when infected with influenza to protect others from transmitting the infection to them, but it does not protect much of the wearer from transmitting the infection to him from others.

Flu masks are running out in many pharmacies in Munich (in the state of Bavaria), which reflects the fear of a large number of Germans from infection with the "Corona" virus, according to the newspaper "German Zeitung" reported.

Great request
The newspaper added that the manufacturers of these masks have not yet been able to meet the great demand for them.

The same source stated that this situation is almost identical in all pharmacies located in the center of Munich, where the demand for protective masks has increased a lot since last week, especially after the high number of deaths due to Corona virus in China, as well as the fear of the virus spreading in other places From the world.

The German newspaper "Bild" quoted the pharmacist Veronika Schmidt, 36, as saying, "The Corona virus is the first issue. We received a shipment of protective masks and it was sold entirely the next day." She added: "90% of purchases of protective masks went to Asian people, Most of them are travelers. "

The "Bild" continued that the demand for the acquisition of protective masks increased not only in Munich, but also in several major cities such as Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and the rest of Germany, and added that pharmacies are waiting for more protective masks in order to meet customer demand.