The addresses are Sankt Annegatan 16-24, Tullportsgatan 15-21 and Östra Rundgatan 2A-2B. According to the municipality, more addresses may also be affected.

- I do not know exactly how many apartments hit, but it is about two apartment houses and maybe 50-75 apartments. Then we have some traders who are also affected, says Mats Lindberg, VA manager in Nyköping Municipality.

Minor damage

According to Mats Lindberg, a water pipe is damaged.

"It is a line that has broken due to normal wear and tear, it is a damage of a minor kind," he says.

A water tank is set up on the sidewalk at Sankt Annegatan 19 and inside the courtyard on Sankt Annegatan 22.

Must have water at lunch

- The residents in the area are informed about this. We are working on and expect to be ready by lunch today.

The work to fix the leak will mean that Sankt Annegatan needs to be closed during the day.

- The road is unidirectional today, so there will not be much impact.