How many times have you been at home and felt cold on the feet level even though you are wearing enough clothes? This is not strange, and in most cases it is not dangerous either. However, the persistence of this type of symptom may be evidence of more serious diseases or disorders.

In this report, published by the Spanish newspaper "El Diario", author Marta Chafrias said that feeling cold in the months of the year in which temperatures drop is inevitable.

In this case, the blood vessels are responsible for maintaining an appropriate temperature for the skin, which distributes oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. When temperatures drop, sensory receptors in the skin alert the brain to constricting vessels, which allows small amounts of blood to reach the skin to keep the heat in the central part of the body, where the main organs are located.

What happens in other parts of the body?
In the limbs like hands and feet, there are many small blood vessels that are especially sensitive to poor blood circulation. And when the weather is cold, these vessels contract and reduce the amount of blood circulating, which causes us to feel cold and hypothermia. This process is called vasoconstriction, and it is caused by the slightest temperature changes.

Why do we feel cold at the level of feet?
The writer mentioned that most of the reasons why we feel cold at the foot level do not foresee danger. In many cases the reason is simple: there is not enough warm blood flowing through the fingers and toes. However, there may be other causes such as:

1- Poor circulation: Good blood circulation is the key to regulating body temperature. When the blood does not circulate well throughout the body, the extremities are the coldest. Poor circulation is caused by anemia or idle lifestyle habits such as not exercising sufficiently. On the other hand, simple methods such as exercising and drinking enough water will be effective in improving blood circulation.

2- Raynaud's syndrome: This condition makes certain parts of the body appear to be narcotic and cold in response to cold temperatures and stressful situations. What actually happens is that the artery responsible for blood flow becomes narrowed, which limits blood flow to areas such as the fingers and toes. The skin needs blood to feel warm and energetic, but if the blood does not flow well, changes in color appear at the level of the fingers. This is a direct sign of what is happening under the skin, which can also affect the end points of the body, such as the ears or nose.

3- Peripheral neuropathy: if you feel cold in your feet even if you are not really cold, it may be because of peripheral neuropathy, which occurs as a result of nerve damage caused by an injury or disease. Peripheral neuropathy often begins at the level of the longest nerves in the body that reach the toes. Symptoms appear first on the feet and then on the bottom of the feet, including feelings of numbness, tingling or itching.

4- Diabetes: Diabetes is one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy.

5- Lack of vitamins: This can also lead to peripheral neuropathy and thus a feeling of coldness at the level of the feet.

6- Liver or kidney disease, metabolic problems, infection or exposure to toxins: all of these things can cause a constant feeling of cold at the level of the feet.

7- Excessive sweating: hyperhidrosis can cause a feeling of cold at the level of the feet, especially when sweat cools quickly. This may often be due to moments of nervousness.

8- Smoking: Although we usually associate smoking mainly with heart disease and the risk of cancer, it may also be among the reasons why we feel cold in the feet. Smoking only one cigarette can greatly reduce the temperature of the feet, because nicotine causes the blood vessels to narrow, causing them to contract, which reduces blood flow.

This effect is often noticeable, especially at the hands and feet level. Smoking a single cigarette can reduce the blood flow to the feet by 50%, and this may take some time to return to normal, sometimes up to an hour.

9- Anemia: Iron deficiency in the blood can affect the regulation of body temperature.

Tips to avoid cold feet
1- Move regularly: Simple activity such as standing and moving can be one of the best ways to warm the body and stimulate blood flow to and from the feet. Movement gives us the opportunity to stimulate blood circulation and raise body temperature. Foot massage helps to improve blood circulation and maintain their temperature.

2- Wearing appropriate socks and shoes: Warm socks made from natural fibers such as cotton help us keep the feet warmer, and shoes are necessary to protect the feet from the cold in the coldest months of the year. It is best to have a rubber sole (a material that works as a good cold insulator).

3- Eat a healthy diet : Foods rich in magnesium, calcium, and vitamins E, K and C help us to improve blood vessel function and stimulate blood circulation. Some spicy foods, such as peppers, increase your heart rate. In contrast, dairy products can increase the sensation of a cold, while caffeine increases pressure on blood vessels.

Do I have to see a doctor if my feet and hands are cold?
Experts admit that it is a good idea to visit a doctor if this problem causes you discomfort or persists for a long time. What is important in these cases is to ensure that it is just a normal case and to exclude the idea of ​​any kind of disease behind it.