He wrote about this on his page on Twitter.

Berlin Zirvesi, Libya'da çatışmaların durması ve siyasi çözüm için önemli bir fırsattır.

Cumhurbaşkanımızın etkin ve çok yönlü diplomasisi, Türkiye'yi sürecin kilit aktörlerinden biri yapmıştır.

Türkiye, vekalet savaşlarına karşı yapıcı ve barışçıl politikasını sürdürecektir.

- Ibrahim Kalin (@ ikalin1) January 20, 2020

“The Berlin summit is an important opportunity for ending the conflict in Libya and for a political settlement. The effective and multifaceted diplomatic activity of our president has made Turkey one of the key participants in the process, ”Kalyn said.

He also noted that the Turkish side will continue to pursue a constructive and peaceful policy against "proxy wars."

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about the tasks of the newly created military committee to resolve the Libyan conflict.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also spoke about the agreements reached at the Libyan settlement conference on January 19 in Berlin.