According to TASS, when asked by journalists about whether the department’s position was taken into account when the American leader Donald Trump issued an order to strike Suleymani, Barr said that "they consulted with the Ministry of Justice."

According to him, the president had authority for such actions.

“Suleimani was definitely a legitimate military target ... It was a legitimate act of self-defense,” Barr said.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that only the ex-leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization * Osama bin Laden killed more Americans than Suleimani.

On January 3, during the operation of the US Armed Forces in Iraq, Suleimani, the General of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, was killed.

Tehran has declared an "act of international terrorism."

January 13, it became known that the Iranian authorities plan to file a lawsuit in an international court against US President Donald trump over the killing of an Iranian general.

* Al-Qaeda - an organization recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 02.14.2003