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January 13, 2020 A new case of meningococcal sepsis in the Sebino: a man residing in the area has been hospitalized in the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo, but is not life threatening. This is the sixth case in a month and a half, after the previous four type C (two fatal) and one type B. The typology is not yet known.

The hospitalized man is the husband of Marzia Colosio, the 48-year-old woman who died 10 days ago. This was confirmed by the Regional Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera. "The 54-year-old man had undergone precautionary antibiotic prophylaxis - explains Gallera - which, however, did not have the desired effect completely due to his previous fragile health conditions. The patient is fortunately now in a non-serious condition. The prophylaxis actions for the closest contacts have already been activated by the Bergamo ATS ".

"In these hours the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has confirmed that the first 4 cases of meningococcal C sepsis recorded in recent weeks in the Basso Sebino have the same genotype as the bacterium - continues Gallera -. This element confirms the choice to proceed with the offer vaccination extended to the population of the area. An offer that will continue in the next few days in extraordinary clinics, high schools, businesses and through local GPs ".

"I am sorry for some excessively emotional and unjustifiable choices made in recent days in the sports sector: the choice to cancel even sporting events on the calendar, some of which are played outdoors, is not useful in any way and does not help to this territory and its inhabitants, "says the councilor for Welfare again, commenting on the news that two volleyball teams did not show up for two games in the area, for the fear - unfounded - of contagion of the bacterium. "Precautionary and preventive actions have already been activated in a timely manner. I sincerely invite everyone to return to normal social life," concludes Gallera.