• In the Gregoretti case, the majority leaves Giunta in protest for immunity in the Senate
  • Gregoretti ship, Salvini memory: the whole government was involved
  • From the Diciotti to Gregoretti case, how the political composition of the Junta has changed


January 13, 2020 Case Gregoretti, decides on the date of the vote Tuesday, but is clashing in the Senate in the Council for immunities: the majority leave the jobs and ask for new documents on the state of health of migrants stranded on the ship.

The Immunity Council of Palazzo Madama will have to decide whether to reject or accept the request to postpone until after the regional elections the vote on the authorization to proceed against the then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, presented by the magistrates of Catania on the Gregoretti case.

Majority comes out
The majority accused the president of the junta, Maurizio Gasparri, of not being impartial and abandoned the session while it was in progress, after the request to acquire the documents on the documents on the state of health of the migrants detained on the ship, presented by Mattia Crucioli of the M5s, was also rejected thanks to the vote of Gasparri and the absence of Pietro Grasso (of the Mixed group) and Mario Giarrusso (M5s) on a mission to the USA with the Anti-Mafia commission.

"I am unassailable", the Senator of Forza Italia defended himself - the speaker of the affair -, claiming that the vote was made today because it was presented only this afternoon. "If one makes a report not considering other instructive elements necessary, if he does not vote against that request, he would deny his work", added Gasparri, motivating his vote against the request of the majority.

Disagreement on the date
Another point of disagreement is the date of the vote on the relationship with which the Palazzo Madama organization is proposed to deny the authorization to proceed against the League leader.

The 5-star movement, Gasparri said, has withdrawn the request to convene a bureau to change the calendar of works decided unanimously in December, which plans to vote on the document on 20 January.

However, the request was made by the League and for this reason the president summoned the bureau for 7 pm tomorrow. If there is no unanimity, the members of the Council will decide whether or not to postpone the decision. And on this vote, it is pointed out, the absences of Giarrusso and Grasso could weigh.

Pending the outcome of the vote, the controversy remains between the parties. Forza Italia has sided with Gasparri. "The behavior and procedures followed by the President of the Giunta were flawless. The same cannot be said of some members of the majority groups who presented various requests in contrast with each other", said Lucio Malan, Fiammetta Modena and Adriano Paroli .

For Anna Rossomando of the Democratic Party, however, "that made by Gasparri is an obvious forcing, today (Monday editor's note) we should not have voted, it was an institutional impropriety", while according to Italia viva "the President of the Junta became a referee taking part in the vote in a completely irrelevant way "on the request of the 5 star Movement.

The League finally pointed the finger at the opponents: "The majority does not have the courage to do their own thing: they left the job after going under with the votes. That of Pd-5Stelle-Iv is a continuous escape from responsibility and judgment of the Italians ", supported the Carroccio.

Salvini: many Italians with me
"If I risk a trial for checking the borders, my country will go there with my head held high, but they will have to prepare a nice big court, because there will be many Italians with me." This was stated by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, during an electoral initiative in Varano, in the Parma area. In a passage from his speech, speaking of the Gregoretti case, many of the audience commented: "We will come with you, we are ready".