Larissa Slaei - Beirut

Marital infidelity has become very easy today using social networking sites, where a person enters the chat via Facebook, then he meets a virtual woman at the beginning, then turns to real later, so whoever is ready for marital infidelity goes and meets those she knows via Facebook and the relationship begins, as for the wife Perhaps she does not suspect, but the game may unfold, and the disaster occurs and the marital relationship ends, and this ease does not apply to men only, but the wife can also find a lover through Facebook or tension, so she enters the conversation in the absence of her husband, and the marriage falls into the abyss.

The stories and tales of electronic betrayal are more than prepared as a result of the absence of censorship, whether it is family or societal, with the presence of emptiness, the absence of religious faith and the addiction to sitting in front of the computer for long periods of entertainment, and the result in the end is marital betrayal.

Live testimonies confirm the existence of a relationship between the use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, and social problems related to divorce and emotional relationships. Do the social networking sites cause family disintegration? Do you cause divorce sometimes?

Yana Al-Shall: The presence of my daughters made me reverse the decision in order not to destroy my family and my husband promised me that he would not return the ball (Al-Jazeera)

Electronic pairs and adventures
"I only see my husband when he goes out to work and returns home, he spends most of his time at his office behind the Internet screen, he does not want anyone to bother him, on the pretext that he is busy and always closes the door to the office room, claiming that he wants to break the monotony of marital life and its boredom, so he drowns himself In the online world where excitement and adventure. "

And the matter between her and her husband reached an emotional separation, and in the end he reached a divorce, and added, "But the presence of my daughters in my life made me retract the decision in order not to destroy my family, and he promised me that he would not return the ball again."

In this story, electronic betrayal began through acquaintance chats, which Yana considered a turning point in her married life, and she tried to act wisely and rationally instead of blame, scandal and separation.

George Saliba: My wife looked for emotional gratification in the chat rooms and decided to separate from her (Al-Jazeera).

When the wife falls in taboo
The man is not always the culprit in his addiction to social media, sometimes the woman may be one of the reasons for this, the engineer George Saliba says, "My wife's constant preoccupation with sitting for long hours in front of the computer and her escape from performing her duties increased my doubts about her, and the obsessive started playing with my mind, and it was necessary to Find a way to find out. "

Saliba points out that the woman’s actions sometimes cause the destruction of her family, where some women are indifferent and not feeling responsible in front of home duties or even the requirements and needs of their children, and instead they spend long hours on the Internet, follow up on their accounts and friends list and respond to social networking sites.

Saliba explains, "My wife got to know many men through Facebook and even WhatsApp, and this sparked my anger, as she looked for a hypothetical virtual illusion in my voice chat rooms, but she did not accept this justification and decided to separate from her."

Hada al-Rifai: Misuse of social media threatens family stability (Al-Jazeera)

Electronic addiction and distress screams
In the same field, social worker psychologist Hoda Al-Rifai says that the misuse of social networking sites increases the percentage of marital disputes, confirming the possibility of developing these differences due to technology addiction to the separation of the spouses and the wife's request, especially for divorce.

Hoda explained that divorce cases due to networking sites have become a common sight that has known its way to the corridors of the courts, through cases whose files contain many papers that indicate details, most of which are strange.

"This is new to our Arab societies, as it has come to exceed what our authentic values ​​and customs allow, so it was a natural result of producing family differences that jump outside the walls of the home and break down the stability of the family."

Hoda pointed out that the frequent follow-up to social networking sites has increased the tension gap between many men and women, especially husbands, as "distress screams of many women rose in the recent period of their husbands' addiction to staying for hours behind the computer screen, and it did not stop at that but invaded These sites have no homes in which there is no dialogue to sprout from the impact of that, thorns of distance, separation and unity of differences. "

Hoda asserts that the misuse of social media threatens family stability, tears the bonds of communication between its members, leads to freezing of emotions, increases the degree of nervousness in dealing, and there are many disputes that may reach the level of separation.