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Doña Pilar, in an image this summer. GTRES

Concern for the Infanta Pilar de Borbón, admitted to a clinic in Madrid

Infanta Doña Pilar confirms that she has colon cancer

Infanta Pilar, during her emergency visit: "This is more serious than it seems"

Infanta Pilar , elder sister of King Juan Carlos, died on Wednesday at the age of 83, at the Ruber International Clinic in Madrid.

Doña Pilar remained admitted since last Sunday, day 5 in the said medical center, because of a complicated chronic bronchitis because of other health problems she had.

At the end of last May, the Duchess of Badajoz confirmed that she was suffering from colon cancer, after weeks of rumors generated after being operated on for an intestinal obstruction.

This morning, King Juan Carlos went to the Ruber Clinic to say goodbye to his sister . Queen Sofia has also visited her sister-in-law, before the worrisome information about her condition.

Despite her delicate state of health, which forced her to move on some occasions in wheelchairs, Doña Pilar attended her most special event every year: the New Futuro solidarity rake, of which she is the honorary president.

There he attended the press

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