First meeting with EU chairman, thinking to conclude free trade agreement on schedule Jan. 5:19

For the first time, British Prime Minister Johnson has met with EU-European Union chairman Von De Allien, and withdrew from the EU later this month. Stressed the idea to conclude.

In the UK, relevant legislation needed to leave the EU will soon be enacted and is expected to leave by the end of this month.

Johnson met directly with EU chairman Von de Allien, who just took office last month, at the Prime Minister's Office in London on the 8th.

According to the British statement, Prime Minister Johnson aims to conclude a free trade agreement with the EU covering a wide range of fields such as goods and services, but new relations with the EU will not share the rules as it is now Said.

The “transition period” provided to avoid a sudden change after the withdrawal was set to end at the end of the year, as planned, and emphasized that the position will not be extended.

"Before we leave, the EU and the UK are our best friends and partners, and we will not lose our ties," said Fonde Allien, a spokeswoman in London prior to the talks.

On the other hand, he rejected Prime Minister Johnson's view that it would be difficult to conclude a free trade agreement in a short period of time without extending the transition period.