Yesterday, the misdemeanor court in Ras Al Khaimah sentenced a four-year-old gang to six months in prison and deportation from the country after serving the sentence, after they specialized in deceiving their victims by winning fake financial prizes in order to steal their personal and bank data and seize their money.

According to the prosecution's indictment, the defendants participated with an unknown person by way of agreement and helping to seize 12 thousand and 199 dirhams of Asian money, and finding him and his illusion that they are from a federal authority and that they need to update his data, and they asked him for the ID card number, bank card number and the secret number, The Public Prosecution continued that the victim was a victim of deceiving the gang members after they seized his money.

She added that the defendants entered the information system of a bank and entered the victim's data, and conducted the process of transferring money from his account to another bank account, as they impersonated a government employee, and used communication services for fraud purposes and bank statements in an illegal way.

All the defendants denied the accusations against them, and the first accused stated that he was outside the state when the incident occurred, and the case papers indicate that the first defendant - the leader of the gang and nicknamed "King Abed" - took charge of the actions and movements of the gang members, where he directed the defendants to communicate with the victims from An Asian number outside the country and another Emirati from within the state, and their delusion that they work in a federal body and that they need to update their data so that their bank accounts are not closed.

The case papers indicated that the gang leader granted the defendants bank cards so that they can transfer money from the victims' accounts to their accounts and his bank account, provided that each of them gives sums of between 3,000 and 4,000 dirhams for each fraud.

She added that the gang was exposed by the Ras Al Khaimah Police, after tracking the bank transfers that were made from the victim’s account, and it found a gang specialized in stealing bank customers ’data in order to seize their money and accused them of winning financial prizes, and that they have to update their personal and bank data from In order to obtain the money, gang members were ambushed and seized.