The Traffic Court in Ras Al-Khaimah ruled that a Gulf driver (27 years) was fined 1500 dirhams for not complying with the itinerary, which resulted in a traffic accident and causing injuries to her companions with various injuries. The court also reprimanded the second suspect (17 years), a Gulf event that led An expired vehicle without a driver’s license and a speed exceeding the speed prescribed for the road, causing collision and injuring the first defendant and her companions, and the defendant’s husband refused to pursue it judicially after causing the accident as a result of her lack of commitment to her itinerary and wounding their five and servant children with varying injuries, and decided to waive any compensation.

The accident occurred when the woman was driving her vehicle with five of her children and the maid, and she moved from her path to the left side and then returned to the right, which led to the collision of the second suspect's vehicle with her vehicle, her deterioration on the road, and her injuries and the companions' injuries.

According to the prosecution’s indictment, the woman did not adhere to the traffic and traffic signs, and drove her vehicle without adhering to the itinerary, which led to the accident, and her mistake caused damage to her vehicle and the vehicle of the second defendant, as well as compromising the safety of the second defendant, and the physical integrity of her companions ( Her five sons and maid).

The indictment stated that the second accused did not adhere to the traffic and traffic signs, and he drove his vehicle at a speed exceeding the speed prescribed for the road, and caused damage to his vehicle and the second suspect's vehicle, drove an expired and uninsured vehicle, without a driver’s license, and used the vehicle without the consent of its owner, as charged by the Public Prosecution Causing prejudice to the safety of the body of the first defendant and her children, the victims and the servant, according to medical reports.

Defense lawyer for the second defendant, Abdullah Sarhan, said during his presentation before the court, “If the juvenile who completed the age of 16 committed a crime punishable in the Penal Code, the judge may decide to take whatever measures he deems necessary in the law, instead of the penalty of imprisonment Prescribed ».

He pointed out that the accused happened no later than 18 years, pointing out the expiry of the fifth charge against his client, which is: Causing the injury of the first accused and her companions, as all parties waived the accusation.

He added that all parties waived their right to injuries sustained as a result of the accident, calling for the criminal case to waive on the fifth charge, the use of the utmost compassion and mercy in ruling on his client as a juvenile, and the application of the Juvenile Law in relation to all charges related to the case.