So, for the indicated period, the total registered incidence among children from 0 to 14 years increased from 1853.3 to 2204.9 cases per 1,000 children of this age.

Significantly - 2.7 times - increased the number of cases of obesity. The number of cases of blood clotting disorders and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus doubled. One and a half times growth was revealed by cerebral palsy and allergic rhinitis.

A less significant increase was found in pneumonia (by 28%), renal failure and diseases characterized by high blood pressure (by 25%), chronic diseases of the tonsils and adenoids (by 17.6%), asthma and asthmatic status (by 17.4%) )

In addition, experts called diseases that began to occur in children much less often. Among them are chronic rheumatic heart diseases (reduction by 66.7%), bronchitis and emphysema (by 60.9%), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (by 57.1%), as well as diseases of the peripheral nervous system (by 50 %), gastritis and duodenitis (by 37%).

According to the pediatrician Kirill Kalistratov, an increase in the incidence in some cases may be associated with an improvement in the quality of diagnosis.

“Naturally, the diagnosis has improved in recent years. In certain areas, early diagnosis has improved, and this allows a more effective approach to treatment issues, ”the specialist believes.

Earlier, the most common diseases of infants in Russia were named.