Yesterday, an official Canadian TV channel confirmed that a short scene in which American President Donald Trump appeared in the movie "Home Alone 2" (alone at Home 2), which I recently presented, explained after a wave of anger on social media about this behavior that The deletion was made before Trump was elected president.

Viewers noted during the screening of "CBC" the movie, which was produced in the 1992 Christmas holiday, the disappearance of Trump's scene, and they wanted to know the reason behind the move, especially since the American President considered Tuesday that his participation in this cinematic act was "honorable".

"As in the films shown on television, a scene from (Home Alone 2) was cut due to the time factor," said CBC spokesman Chuck Thompson.

"Trump's scene was among several scenes deleted from the film because it is not fundamental to the story. The deletion took place in 2014 when we got the right to show the movie for the first time and before Mr. Trump was elected president," he added.

Many social media users accused the CBC channel of having political motives behind the deletion decision, and President Donald Trump Jr., the son of the president, said on Twitter that this behavior was "pathetic."

But Trump seemed to find this confusion interesting, and on Thursday evening he attacked the Canadian Prime Minister on Twitter, saying in a tweet, "I think Justin Trudeau does not like much that I made him pay everything he should in NATO or the trade agreement."

"The movie will never be the same," he said, before explaining, "I was just joking."

Trump appears in a short scene in the movie with child Kevin McAllister (Macaulay Kalkin) as he instructs him to reach a hotel lobby.

Trump had bought the Plaza Hotel in New York, where several "Home Alone 2" scenes had been filmed.