We have previously told of a parent couple in Gothenburg who have come to Queen Silvia's children's hospital with her severely malnourished daughter. According to the prosecutor, the two-year-old child should be given an incomplete vegan diet, but the parents refuse to commit any crime.

Foods with plenty of vegetables, root vegetables, legumes and whole grains are considered good for both health and the environment. But, according to the National Food Agency, good knowledge about food, nutrients and also some extra planning is required if you want to give your child completely vegan food. Because there are risks with young children only getting that type of diet:

- It is important to follow the child's growth. Lack of B12 can have serious consequences such as neurological damage that cannot be repaired, says Åsa Brugård Konde, nutritionist at the National Food Agency.

Damage can be seen in the brain

According to her, it is long nerves that can be damaged, which feels like a pillow feeling under the feet and which can lead to impaired ability to perceive vibrations.

- The damage can also be seen in the brain and worsen to a dementia-like image.

The National Food Agency's directive was amended in 2008 because new calculations showed that it is possible to meet the nutritional needs of even young children using fortified foods or supplements with certain nutrients, such as vitamins D and B12. According to Åsa Brugård Konde, there are special baby food products such as fermentation and porridge that are enriched, as well as plant-based drinks such as oatmeal. However, organic plant drinks are not enriched with B12.

- There is also a risk that the child does not get enough energy and calories because the food is so high in fiber and children are not able to eat so large amounts of food but become quickly saturated and perhaps dissolve in the stomach.