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"Dear Reina Sofía, how are you? I am writing this letter from our center that bears your name and turns 25"

Queen Sofia turns 81 at a sweet time with Don Juan Carlos

The Reina Sofía de Monzón (Huesca) center, dedicated to serving people with different abilities, turns 25. On this occasion and together with the City Council of Monzón, the center has sent a video to Queen Emeritus Doña Sofía to congratulate her on Christmas and invites her to visit the center that bears her name.

The mayor of Monzón, Isaac Claver, the director of the Reina Sofía center, María Ángeles Delgado, the Councilor for Social Services, Salvador Sarrado, and the resident Olga Jiménez, who were in charge of presenting the Christmas video that the mayor participated in the letter He has sent Queen Doña Sofía congratulating her Christmas together with the residents and staff of the center, managed by Valentia.

They wish that it is Queen Doña Sofía who puts with her visit "the golden brooch" to the celebration of the silver wedding of the center. In addition to the video, the letter sent by the City Council was accompanied by an endearing letter and a drawing signed by Olga Jiménez.

The first mayor said that "it would be a great pride for the city that Queen Doña Sofía visited Monzón and knew the great work carried out by the center that bears her name and that shares those values ​​that her majesty has always defended."


This is the letter from Olga that reads in the video and has been posted on social networks: "Dear Reina Sofía, how are you? I am writing this letter from our center that bears your name and turns 25. Here I am very Nice to meet you in Monzón, and we would all like you to come to meet us. We would be very excited. I have seen your photos with my classmates and you are a beautiful person, greeting everyone . Long live Queen Sofia! With love Olga Jiménez. "

The video offers a vision of the extensive facilities of the center, the activities they carry out, photos of Queen Sofia appear greeting the disabled and ends wishing you all a merry Christmas together.

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