On this day 28 years ago, the first and last president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev gave a televised address announcing the suspension of his mission as president of the union for initial reasons.

On December 1 of the same year, the Constitutional Oversight Committee of the Soviet Union denounced the signing of the "Agreement for the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States" called "Belovigsk" between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, where representatives of the commission stated that some republics have no right to decide cases Related to the rights and interests of other republics.

The committee was of the opinion that the Soviet authorities could stop working only within a constitutional framework, but the Council of Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, which was established in September 1991 as one of the chambers of the Federal Parliament, supported the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States as a way to overcome the collapse Political.

On December 24, the President of the House of Republics, writer Anorbbek Aleemanov, announced that a decision should be taken on the legal procedure to end the Union State, which will be replaced by the League.

After that, Gorbachev announced in a televised speech that he had stopped performing his duties, signed a decree whereby he resigned from the post of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, the flag of the Soviet Union was lowered from the Kremlin in Moscow, and instead of him raised the flag of Russia.

On the following day, the Council of Republics of the Supreme Soviet passed the declaration "N-142" regarding the termination of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, given the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In the same context, the Republic of Republics also adopted decisions to liquidate the structures of the Soviet Union as a whole, such as the dismissal of Supreme Court judges, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the dismissal of the President of the Central Bank of the Soviet Union and others, but some bodies of the Soviet Union continued their work until 1992 such as the State Border Protection Committee .

As for the other chamber of the Federal Parliament represented by the Federal Council of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, it was unable to obtain a quorum, so it did not participate in this issue, however a part of the parliament’s representatives issued a statement announcing that they considered the decisions taken regarding the liquidation of national institutions Illegal and inconsistent with the status quo then.