- We expect that there will be about a thousand people today, says Rahmat Khousousi, who works at Bunkeflo's recycling center.

According to Rahmat Khousousi, it is currently the peak season and one of their most intense working days.

- It is spruces, cardboard boxes and Christmas paper to be thrown away. This leads to many people visiting us, he says.

What is the most common question for you after Christmas?

- Where to throw the Christmas paper. And it's in combustible nowhere else, says Rahmat Khousousi.

Small recycling stations

It was not just the recycling centers that people visited. Maria Nedström was at the recycling station at the Crown Prince in Malmö and threw out the last of Christmas.

- It will be a bit more rubbish after Christmas. But we celebrated at home so this year it wasn't much, ”she says.

Good at recycling

Rahmat Khousousi says that people are generally good at sorting, but sometimes they are sorted wrong.

- People are good, but some are a bit sloppy. But there is really no problem that we have, he says.