• Speech: The King recalls that political "understanding" must always be "within the Constitution"
  • Valuation.Rufián, from ERC, compares the message with a Vox rally

The political situation that Spain is going through forced the King to empty his Christmas Message of political content to increase his social burden. Even so, and in a negotiation context to form a Government, where the PSOE has prioritized the path of the agreement with ERC, Felipe VI did send some clear messages, including remembering that political "understanding" is essential, but always "within the respect for the Constitution. " Both the PSOE and Podemos, called to be partners in a future coalition government, have applauded that the Monarch addressed social problems and launched a message of optimism to face challenges such as climate change, economic crisis or inequality between men and women. Both have ignored the call of the Head of State to respect the constitutional framework.

The PSOE wanted to see its negotiating commitment to form a government endorsed, which includes seeking the support of nationalist formations such as ERC, BNG or even Bildu, highlighting that the monarch defended in his speech "a will for consensus and understanding among people with ideologies very different".

"He reiterates on numerous occasions the need to trust a society like the Spanish one that, at the moment, is inserted in the world with the capacity to solve its own problems, we insist with that capacity that has been demonstrated of understanding and consensus between different" , is the assessment made by Cristina Narbona , president of the PSOE.

In recent weeks, and as a result of the advances between the negotiating teams of the PSOE and ERC, the Socialists have agreed to talk about "political conflict" in Catalonia and, even, Pedro Sánchez no longer questions the proposal of this table between governments and only He stressed that it should be incardinated "within the framework of legal certainty that emanates from democratic laws." Narbonne, in his brief assessment, makes no reference to the clear allusion of Philip VI to the respect for the Constitution , which constitutes the second part of his reference to "understanding" and the integration of "our differences within the respect for our Constitution, which recognizes the territorial diversity that defines us and preserves the unity that gives us strength. "

Pablo Echenique values ​​the King's words before the media. Paco Campos

We can extol your "political nose"

From the Government, unlike 2018, no assessment has been made of the words of Felipe VI. A year ago, from the Executive it only took half an hour to show his vision of the Christmas Message, in the middle of Christmas Eve dinner. "The main idea of ​​the King - coexistence - is in tune with what the Government defends," they considered then.

A silence that has also spread among the main leaders of United Podemos. Neither Pablo Iglesias, Irene Montero or Alberto Garzón - nor other prominent members - have valued the King's words. In addition to being partners of governments, there is a circumstance that they are ministers. Thus, the assessment has fallen on Pablo Echenique, secretary of government action, and called to occupy the spokesman of the parliamentary group of Congress. And in the prelude to being a government party, the purple formation has made a positive assessment of Felipe VI, extolling, even, his "political smell."

"In front of a Felipe VI who in 2017 decided to tie his destiny to the rights, I think that yesterday we saw a head of the State that partially rectified, that moderated his speech and that somehow proved to have a better political smell than the one he had then ", said Echenique, who has unmarked himself from the criticisms expressed by nationalist formations. "The difference between what we saw on October 3, 2017 - his speech after the illegal 1-O consultation - and what we heard yesterday is objective. Maximum respect for the opinions of the other parties, but he has shown a better political sense of smell, although it is evident that he did it in a shy and subtle way. "

The leader of Podemos has also stressed that "the territorial diversity mentioned by the king is a wealth and is not a problem in our country." "We think that the way of dialogue is the way to face the resolution of political conflicts and we hope that there will be a coalition government" as soon as possible "to deal with these issues with force."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • Philip VI
  • ERC
  • We can
  • United We Can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Pablo Echenique
  • Irene Montero
  • Spain
  • Alberto Garzón
  • Cristina Narbonne
  • Catalonia
  • Bildu
  • BNG

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