By RFIPosted on 25-12-2019 Modified on 25-12-2019 at 15:39

On this Christmas day, Pope Francis delivered his traditional Urbi et Orbi speech from Saint Peter's Square in Rome. The sovereign pontiff notably denounced the actions of extremist groups on the African continent. François also called for ensuring security in Syria.

Before the 55,000 people gathered in Saint Peter's Square in Rome, the sovereign pontiff denounced the actions of extremist groups on the African continent, in particular in Burkina Faso , Mali, Niger and Nigeria. Pope Francis, who has just celebrated his 83 years, also had a thought for the Democratic Republic of the Congo: he calls for peace for the populations of the east of the country.

" May the lord who was born be the light for the peoples of Africa, where social and political situations persist which often force people to emigrate by depriving them of a house and a family, " said François from his balcony. from Saint-Pierre square. May it be peace for the people who live in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , bruised by persistent conflicts . "

Referring to the fate of " all those who suffer because of violence, natural calamities or health emergencies " on the African continent, the pope added: " May he be comfort for all those who are persecuted because of their faith religious, especially the kidnapped missionaries and the faithful, and for all those who fall victim to attacks by extremist groups, especially in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. "

A call to " guarantee security in the Middle East "

François also called in his traditional Christmas message to the international community to " guarantee security in the Middle East, especially in Syria ". Syria, where Russian anti-jihadist bombings are intensifying in the province of Idleb, and killed 9 civilians again on Tuesday, December 24 .

" May Christ be light for the many children who suffer war and conflicts in the Middle East and in various countries of the world, " launched the Holy Father. Let him be the comfort of the beloved Syrian people who do not yet see the end of the hostilities that have torn the country apart in this decade. Let him shake the conscience of men of good will. "

" Support for the Lebanese people "

And to continue: " Let him inspire the governments and the international community today to find solutions that guarantee the security and peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the region and put an end to their unspeakable suffering." May he be a support for the Lebanese people so that they can emerge from the current crisis and rediscover their vocation to be a messenger of freedom and harmonious coexistence for all . "

In his message Urbi et orbi, François also invited to " soften our often hardened and selfish heart ", reports our correspondent in Rome, Éric Sénanque , in order to give "a smile to children around the world ", abandoned or too often victims of violence.

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