
25 January 2019Silvano Sarti, a partisan with the battle name of 'Pillo', honorary president of the Florence ANPI, protagonist of the liberation of Florence from the Nazis in August 1944, gold medal at the military value. He was 93 years old. "He has been a tireless resistant for a lifetime": so remembers the National Association of Italian Partisans who gave the news of the disappearance. Born in Scandicci (Florence) in 1925, Sarti was repentant to the republican draft after September 8, 1943, and was captured by the Germans along with other companions. They were accused of desertion, but were pardoned by a military edict for their young age (18 years). Sarti was then deported to Cassino and put to forced labor in the construction of the German fortifications. He managed to escape with other prisoners and after a long march he returned to Tuscany and decided to join the partisans.

Sarti was placed in the Patriotic Action Teams, which used urban guerrilla as a tactic, diverting road signs to confuse the enemy, disseminating the streets with four-pointed nails, sabotaging the railway lines. Another of their tasks was to procure weapons and ammunition and to do so they resorted to armed clashes, thefts and stratagems of all kinds. During the battle of Florence in 1944 he participated in the assault on some fascist snipers barricaded in a brothel near Porta al Prato. After an 18-day siege, the fascists were captured and shot. After the Second World War Silvano Sarti, a communist militant, devoted himself to union struggles in the ranks of the CGIL: he was among the organizers of the Livorno strikes in 1968.