Sörmland, Östergötland and Jönköping County, which are part of the Öst police region, will have an extra number of police officers out tonight as the Christmas Day, according to the police, is one of the year's most messy evenings, with a lot of fullness and noise.

"It is traditionally a homecoming evening where many people move in pub environments, and we have strengthened up," says Monica Bergström.

"Good staffing for the evening"

She says that the police always plan for these kind of holidays when there are a lot of people moving. If it gets too messy in one county, there is the possibility for the police to borrow staff from other counties.

- It happens that you borrow people from each other, but we have good staffing for the evening, says Monica Bergström.

The police will also be seen with more patrols than usual in town in all the three counties concerned.

- We will have an increased presence in the city.