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Ségolène Royal, when she was Minister of the Environment in 2016 (illustration image). REUTERS / Benoit Tessier

The ex-minister and ex-presidential candidate Ségolène Royal, currently ambassador of the poles for France, will be summoned to explain herself to the National Assembly at the initiative of two deputies UDI and LREM. They want her to explain in particular about her " absences from meetings of the Arctic Council ".

The convocation should arrive in the coming days. Two years after having been appointed in this volunteer function as ambassador of the poles, Ségolène Roya l will be summoned to explain herself on two specific points: " her absence at all the official meetings of the Arctic Council " and her " almost weekly media interventions against national policy ", as indicated by the two deputies behind this convocation.

The hearing should take place before the fact-finding mission of the National Assembly on the poles and in parallel also before the Foreign Affairs Committee.

2022 perspective

The former minister and former socialist presidential candidate of 2007 has been shooting red bullets in recent days against pension reform and government policy.

A month earlier, she had been implicated in an investigation by the weekly Le Point and by radio France Info . This investigation accused him of using his function to promote personal activities.

She reacted by denouncing “ slanderous innuendoes ”. And even went on to specify that these attacks were launched when she is " the best placed in the polls " on the left for the presidential election of 2022, a poll in which she does not exclude to participate.

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