By RFIPosted on 25-12-2019 Modified on 25-12-2019 at 23:20

The director of Islamic Affairs, attached to the Ministry of Justice, issued an official statement on New Years Day, based on the Comorian practice of Islam. A ban on celebrating Christmas disowned the same evening by the government spokesman.

For Christmas, the director of Islamic Affairs banned " any appearance indicating the involvement of Christians in their joy in the Comoros ", thus embarrassing the government which took over the case through Mohamed Daoud, the Minister of the Interior.

" A declaration was signed by an official, an employee of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, " he acknowledged. However, this declaration does not commit the government or the muftorate. There was never any question of prohibiting anyone from practicing their religion. Our Islam is tolerant Islam . We will not be mixing personal opinions with a government decision. "

What consequences?

This highly noted departure from the director of Islamic Affairs will have consequences, specifies the Minister of the Interior. " I'm not going to talk about his dismissal," he says. I have already contacted the public prosecutor to open an investigation. He committed the country and the government, without knowing it. As Minister of the Interior, in charge of public security, I believe that if there are such measures, it is up to me to take them. Not to a director of Islamic Affairs. "

The Minister of Justice published a press release to condemn the remarks of his director of Islamic Affairs, without mentioning measures taken against him.

Read also: Christmas: "We are sick of religious intolerance", according to the pastor of Abidjan

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