A poll conducted by "Emirates Today" revealed that 28% of children (the age group between nine and 14 years) dream of filling modern jobs belonging to the future, namely the robot designer and the space scientist.

While scientific reports on the future of jobs indicate a qualitative change in the form and content of approximately 90% of current jobs, within three decades, and its confirmation that there are 20 jobs that will be the most important and most available and requested, such as space mining jobs and genomic medicine, the survey revealed and a questionnaire, along with Field meetings, that the majority of the "youth of the future" whose opinions were sought, directs its thinking towards traditional jobs, specifically medicine and engineering, because of its association with the desires and aspirations of the family.

In detail, «Emirates Today» asked a question through its account on the social networking platform «Twitter», about the jobs and jobs that children under the age of 14 years dream of occupying in the future, and the question came as follows: If you have a child from the age group between nine and 14 years, what Want to be a professional in the future?

Participants were asked to select the answer from among four options, the first including: doctor, engineer, teacher, lawyer, second: actor, singer, film director, third: political leader, government minister, and fourth: robot designer and space scientist.

The highest percentage of choices went to the first group, as it attracted 53% of the 616 respondents, and parents emphasized that traditional jobs achieve a prominent social status for their children, indicating their influence in the popularity of this option.

And the group ranked the robot designer and the space scientist, as 28% of respondents voted for it, influenced by what was brought to them by various media about the Emirati astronaut's flight, Hazza Al Mansouri, to the International Space Station last September 25.

13% of the participants chose the positions of the political leader and the minister, while the positions of the singer, actor and film director did not receive the attention of more than 6% of the participants.

The results of a questionnaire distributed by «Emirates Today» to a sample of children, consistent with what was shown by the results of the Twitter poll, as it chose the largest percentage of jobs, such as medicine and engineering, and the second percentage of answers came within the jobs that suit the heroic character (the pilot and fighter in the armed forces) , And the third aspect of the space scientist's job.

The psychologist, Sabine Rizk, explains that “children at this age tend to be like their parents, and that does not mean that they have the ability to define a specific path for the future, because the child does not have the ability to systematically and cognitively think, for all his desires and inclinations formulate him in Sentences expressing daydreams no more, just as the child's choices reflect his being affected by people or models who have overwhelming presence in his life, so we find that children who are completely dependent on life in the virtual world think and formulate these dreams according to what is transferred to them across this world, in exchange for a very weak influence In terms of real society, lectures and guidance for parents ».

And Rizk said, “The media media means the greatest influence in everything that children do, whether in the way of dressing, eating, thinking, or even aspects related to the nature of the job, but they do not use these methods to search for important topics, or to understand the projects and ideas presented. seriousness".

The field interviews went in the same direction, as the child (Hessa - 14 years) confirmed that she wants to become a lawyer because she loves to defend the oppressed, and she (Shada - 14 years) said that she wants to be a doctor because she wants to please her parents, and (Amer - 13) stated Years) that he wants to work in a profession that makes him famous, but he has not yet decided what kind of job he will achieve for this goal.

(Abdullah) stated that he dreamed of the position of the astronaut, pointing out that he was greatly affected by the image of Hazza Al-Mansouri as he flew off the planet.

And educational, preferred not to be named, stressed the need to continue trying to identify what is going on in the minds of children about the jobs that await them in the future, pointing out that they will shape the nature and style of their lives.

He said that this «is necessary in order to be aware of the tools we need, in order to equip children intellectually and scientifically in a systematic and thoughtful way, so that they can absorb the functions of the future and prepare for them».

He added that «the virtual world shows many things as easy and enjoyable, while achieving them requires more effort than it takes to fill many of the jobs currently popular».

He also urged children to be free from the influence of parents ’desires and directives affected by their experience and present, and to choose what suits the requirements of the times, and to benefit from the programs provided by enlightened governments from ambitious programs and plans to prepare for the new world.

The most important jobs by 2040

A report issued by the international "Aspar" forum lists a number of the most important jobs in the world.

It included 20 jobs, including maintenance and programming robots, a plastic surgery robot, artificial intelligence experts, and artificial intelligence accounting, and also included blockchain engineers and blockchain product managers. It also included functions related to space mining, including explorers of celestial bodies, smelter workers and asteroid minerals, and the list also included personal health functions, which include gene regulators, and successive creationists, as well as the field of genomics, which includes biological industrial experts. It included nuclear fusion jobs that included fusion energy engineers, in addition to another set of new jobs.