The political situation in Spain, with a pre-agreement of Government between the PSOE and Unidos Podemos and with Pedro Sánchez seeking an understanding with ERC to be invested in the near future, creates an uncertainty that has forced the King to measure his words especially. Aware that his message is in everyone's magnifying glass and that his figure as Head of State imposes neutrality, from the King's House they have been forced to caution, moderation. However, and even being a prisoner of this corset, Felipe VI has left messages to the political class. The clearest: remember that political "understanding" is essential, but always "within the respect of the Constitution."

Thus, faced with this difficult situation, the Monarch once again brandished the Constitution as the path that should guide the steps of political leaders. Moreover, he recalled that "all we have achieved is the result that millions of Spaniards, thanks to our Constitution, have shared over the years the same values ​​on which to base our coexistence." And that the Magna Carta already "recognizes the territorial diversity that defines us" and, in addition, "preserves the unity that gives us strength."

Likewise, the King warned that constitutional "values", "solidarity, equality and freedom" have been "present for many years among us", but "we cannot take them for granted or forget their fragility"; on the contrary, "we must do everything possible to strengthen them and prevent them from deteriorating."

His words are especially relevant these days, where the PSOE has prioritized the agreement with ERC as a way to maintain the Government . A party, the Republican, who disdains attending the round of consultations of the King, whose leader is in prison convicted of sedition for being one of the drivers of the illegal 1-O referendum and advocating that "the Catalans have no King" . To this is added that Sánchez's coalition partner, Pablo Iglesias, commands a party that has championed different campaigns and offensives against the Monarchy. A horizon that worries in Zarzuela.

Felipe VI has found in the independence challenge of Catalonia the great stone of his reign. The tension maintained over time by secessionist leaders has led the Monarch to explain that the conflict is one of the "serious concerns we have in Spain." It places it alongside other problems, such as "the deterioration of the confidence of many citizens in the institutions". This last message can be interpreted as a wake-up call to the political class, since in society the disaffection has been installed in the face of the parties' inability to agree and offer solutions.

Call to get involved in governance

Felipe VI appointed Pedro Sánchez a few weeks ago as a candidate for the Presidency. A proposal made without guarantees, since the socialist leader did not have the support closed to achieve a sufficient parliamentary majority. Aware of this, the King has wanted to call on the political class to be involved in the governance of Spain. From Zarzuela it is confirmed that Sánchez will be president only if he obtains the necessary support and not because the Monarch has proposed it.

The Kings applaud Princess Leonor, embraced by her sister, the Infanta Sofia, after her speech at the Princess of Asturias Awards. A moment chosen by Casa del Rey among the images after the message.

"We are immersed in the constitutional procedure provided for Congress to grant or deny its confidence to the proposed candidate. Thus, it is up to Congress, in accordance with our Constitution, to make the decision that it deems most convenient for the general interest of all Spaniards. ", has been the King's message to the formations with parliamentary representation.

To the political parties he has dedicated another reminder: "We must not fall into extremes, nor in a complacency that silences our lacks or errors, nor in a destructive self-criticism that denies the great civic, social and political heritage that we have accumulated." Each one, to be taken for granted.

This Christmas Eve was the second time that Felipe VI was forced to deliver his Christmas Message with a functioning Government. In the previous one, in 2015, he warned that "the plurality expressed at the polls" forced the policy to be exercised with "dialogue and commitment". A message, that of "understanding" and "concord," which he has reiterated in all his Christmas messages, without having been reflected in political life. Hence Felipe VI in recent months has reiterated, even publicly, his desire that the political class find a "solution."

"Spain cannot stand still"

However, despite the scenario of uncertainty in Spain - not only politically, but socially, economically, technologically and environmentally - the King wanted to send an optimistic, positive message. Light at the end of the tunnel. "The challenges that lie ahead are not simple but, as on so many occasions in our recent history, I am convinced that we will overcome them." Because Felipe VI has urged to flee from resignation and complacency. "Time does not stop and Spain can not stand still, or go behind the events. It has to continue traveling its path, without enclosing itself as in other times of the past."

Another image of 2019 that has appeared after the King's speech: the Queen with a group of Spanish volunteers in Mozambique.

The guidelines launched by the King to act are clear: "Let's trust in ourselves, in our society; let's trust in Spain and stay united in the democratic values ​​we share to solve our problems; without divisions or confrontations that only erode our coexistence and undermine our future. We have great potential as a country. Let's think big. Let's move forward with ambition. All together. We know how to do it. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • Philip VI
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • ERC
  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Congress of Deputies
  • Catalonia
  • Catalonia independence
  • President's Investiture

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