Syria regime intensifies of attacks, fears of worsening on December 25 at 5:48 pm

In Syria, where the civil war continues, the Assad regime's attacks on the last rebel base, Idlib, have intensified, resulting in numerous casualties. The Assad administration has shown a willingness to attack and things can get worse.

In the past week, the Assad administration and its backing Russia have carried out a violent airstrike against the town of Marat Numan in Idlib province, northwestern Syria, and ground troops have advanced to suppress the surrounding towns and villages.

According to the `` Syrian Human Rights Watch '' who is collecting local information, at least 78 citizens died, including 10 people including children and women killed in attacks on schools where citizens were evacuated on the 24th That is.

The United Nations has expressed concern that since November 11th, 130,000 people have been displaced, many of whom have insufficient food and no means of warming up.

A spokesman for the Assad administration's army said in a statement on the 24th that the rebels were preparing for a thorough fighting, saying that they will not slow down the attack, saying that they will `` wipe out terrorists and their supporters from Idlib province ''. In the middle, things can get worse.