Negotiations on the integration of Russia and Belarus should take place in a calm manner. This was stated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who explained that otherwise provocateurs could have the ground for speaking out.

“We should agree in a calm mode, and most importantly, to show the people of Russia and the people of Belarus especially, who are so reverent about this sovereignty and independence, because this is the first time in history ... Therefore, it’s very important not to scare anyone away, not to create a foundation, soil for all kinds of provocateurs, fights, street battles for independence and sovereignty, ”he said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio station.

At present, the parties are promoting an integration option in which the sovereignty of both countries will not be violated in any way, Lukashenko emphasized.

“We are two sovereign independent states, Belarus and Russia. We are now promoting integration that does not in the least diminish or reduce the sovereignty of either Russia or Belarus, ”he explained.

According to Lukashenko, it is necessary to solve the problems of creating the Union State on the principles of equality. In addition, the President of Belarus assured that if he is re-elected in 2020, he will implement all agreed roadmaps.

“If people elect me in the presidential election, of course, I will implement all the agreements and all the plans (31 plans, a road map, how to say fashionably). Everything that we agree with Russia will be realized, ”he said.

The process of such integration is mild, said Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies.

“The process has long been going smoothly. The question is not so much in the requirements of Russia, but in the desires of Belarus. As for the provocateurs, they are always there and they can’t shut their mouths in any situation that can be regarded as calm. Even if everything goes calmly, such people will not join the idea of ​​Russian-Belarusian integration, ”the source said.

It is worth noting that the Belarusian leader expressed some dissatisfaction with the current state of trade relations between the two countries, noting the systematic increase in the difference in trade turnover.

“That is, we are buying $ 9 billion more from you than we are selling. This is the reason for the US-Chinese conflict ... From an economic point of view, this is an absolutely identical thing, ”Lukashenko emphasized, saying that Russia annually“ tightens the screws ”.

The Belarusian side attaches great importance to issues of trade and economics, because in this area it is easier for the parties to agree, unlike the political part of integration, said Yury Post, professor of the comparative political science department at the RUDN University, in a conversation with RT.

“At this stage, we are primarily talking about creating favorable economic conditions for Belarusian enterprises. But Belarus is not in a hurry to promote the political part of Belarus at this stage, ”the expert stated.

“The beginning of a great job”

Recall that the Treaty establishing the Union State was concluded in 1999. It provides for the gradual unification of legislation, the creation of a single parliament, government and other authorities. Moscow and Minsk are systematically negotiating at different levels on the integration of the two countries. In September 2019, it became known that countries approved a plan for accelerated construction of the Union State.

The document includes roadmaps in all areas of integration. However, according to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, "all the most difficult is ahead."

“This is the beginning of a very, very big job. I hope that we will all cope with this work properly, since the success of our integration project, the success of the Union State, depends on the results of this work, ”he said.

In the near future, a package of documents on integration will be agreed and signed, Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Dmitry Krutoy said on December 23.

“Today, by and large, with the exception of a few issues that will be clarified in the next 2-3 days, the integration package will be agreed. We will select the time so that our leaders in a solemn atmosphere signed or initialed it. This will give an unprecedented, new impetus to our relationship, ”he said.

Commenting on progress in this direction, Yuri Pochta expressed the opinion that certain difficulties in the integration process are caused by the position of Belarus, including concerns about the possibility of full integration of the two countries.

“The process of creating a single union state has existed for many years and so far it remains more a plan than a reality ... Belarus has concerns about full integration with Russia, concerns about the loss of independence. Belarus, ideally, would like a confederation, ”said the expert.