
23 December 2019The agreement was reached for the extension of the extraordinary layoff for Alitalia employees. This is learned from union sources. At the Ministry of Labor the unions and the company in extraordinary administration have agreed to extend the cigs for three months, until March, for a total of 1,020 people, including 70 commanders, 310 flight attendants and 640 ground workers. This is a smaller number than the number of employees affected by the procedure currently in progress and which expires at the end of the year (1,075).

Also according to what union sources present at the table report, the text of the agreement would be signed by the Filt CGIL, the Fit Cisl, the Uil transport and the Ugl air transport. However, the text Anpac and Anpav would not be signed, as had happened in the previous procedure, signed last September.

"Alitalia's commissioner management has undertaken, among other things, to adopt the most suitable measures and solutions from time to time to reconcile the needs, on the one hand, of containing and optimizing costs and, on the other, continuity of service '". This is what is read in the note of the Ministry of Labor at the end of the agreement on the layoffs for 1,020 employees.