It is the Center for Knowledge and Security (CKS), a department within Borås City that made the report. CKS has been looking at Norrby for the past five years. Borås newspaper was the first to tell about the hundred pages long report.

SVT has tried to access the report. But according to Borås City, this is a work material that is not yet public.

Several problems

The idea with the report is that the municipality should get a more in-depth picture of how different problems at Norrby are related. And thanks to this, find better solutions to the problems.

Norrby is one of two areas in Borås that the police classify as particularly vulnerable areas. According to Borås newspaper, the municipality's report on Norrby addresses criminality, criminal networks, radicalization, violence-promoting extremism, culture of silence, honor-related violence, clan conflicts and family feuds.

Complex problems

- This is complex. It's very big. And you get a feeling that how are we going to deal with this? What I think is important is that we do the right things in the right order and work together. That we get administrations, politicians and companies on the track. And the most important thing is that we get the citizens of Norrby with us, ”says Peder Englund, Head of Department at CKS to SVT News West.

Do you see any risks in focusing on an area in such a report that raises problems?

- Yes, there is always a risk and a balance. But at the same time, we think it is important to gather these problem pictures and analyze how they are connected. There is a great willingness among many at Norrby to be activated and to enter Swedish society, to be integrated. But there are strong forces that counteract it. And these are the ones we should work against.

Hear Peder Englund about three problems at Norrby in the clip above.