According to the report, the incident happened when the 15-year-old's moped was seized for unclear reasons, something the Norran newspaper was the first to report.

One of the police officers should then have laughed and railed about the situation, urged the 15-year-old to remain on the moped and said that "the first time you are taken by the police you must remember to perish with a photo".

"He tells me to smile and thumbs up. I feel a strong unease and humiliation, but I can't say anything against him, he is a police officer and that I was very shocked and downturned from time to time because of what just happened. I have an unpleasant feeling when I sit on the moped when he takes some photos with his mobile, ”the 15-year-old writes in the report.

The Ombudsman is investigating

After the incident, the police must have run past the 15-year-old with the moped on the trailer.

"(The police) grin / howl and it feels very embarrassing that for my classmates to see my moped go," the 15-year-old writes in the report.

JO has now decided to investigate the incident and asks the police authority to comment on the incident and make an assessment of what happened.

SVT Västerbotten has unsuccessfully searched the traffic section of the police in Västerbotten for a comment on the case.