Although parents try to present the entire world to their children, they make mistakes that may affect their children for life.

Learn about a set of common mistakes young parents make when raising their children, according to a report by writers Maria Zavolukina, Olga Khodyukova and Ekaterina Japanovich, published by the American website "Brightside":

1. Check the child's temperature by hand
The baby's body is usually hotter, and his temperature ranges between 36 and 38 degrees. If the child exceeds this degree, he will have a fever. Little change is impossible to detect manually, so a thermometer is recommended. For children under three months, the thermometer provides a more accurate reading and helps to keep the child safe and healthy.

A thermometer should be used to maintain the child's safety and health (with my buckle).

2. Buy a lot of diapers
Despite the belief that buying and storing a lot of diapers seems like a good idea, especially when your child is very defecating, this is a great loss for money, as the size of children grows quickly, and they earn between 140 and 200 g per week. As a result, your child will grow larger than the diapers you have stored, and you will have to acquire a new one.

3. Depriving the child of lollipop early
Parents deprive their children of lollipops for fear of an ear infection or dental problems. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the six-month-old is a good time to keep children out of their little toys.

The age of six months is a good time to keep children out of their little toys (pixels)

4. Allow your children to go unpunished
The female writers explained that it is important to discipline children and make them responsible for their actions. Indeed, when parents allow their children to go unpunished, they teach them to depend entirely on their parents when they make a mistake in the future.

5. Use technology to keep children busy
Most parents use a mobile phone or TV to entertain their children, and this is harmful to their health. According to one study, the radiation from these devices directly affects the child's brain and increases the risk of tumors.

6. Cover the child's feet when he has a fever
Covering a child's feet to make them sweat is one of the myths related to fever, as there is no evidence for their effectiveness. When you cover a child, this causes her to overheat. So, instead of making him wear a lot of clothes or covering him with a blanket, he should wear light clothes, while running the fan and keeping the room cool.

The best option is to wait a few minutes before changing the baby's diaper and cleaning it, and not immediately after serving its needs (pixels)

7. Change the baby’s diaper immediately after the child’s need is spent
Children urinate or defecate on short periods, and if they change their preservation immediately after their needs are met, your clothes may get wet or tarnished. In general, the new diapers have a high ability to absorb residues for many hours, while keeping the child dry and protecting him from the rash. The best option is to wait a few minutes before changing the baby's diaper and cleaning it.

8. Too much to feed a child with a spoon
When you feed a child more with a spoon, you are damaging his health and growth, according to doctors. It is recommended that children be allowed to feed themselves. In this context, children who depend on their parents to feed them with a spoon can become demanding, which increases their weight with age. On the other hand, children who eat alone and on their own are healthy.

When you feed your baby more often with a spoon, you harm her health and development, according to doctors (Pixel).

9. Spend a lot of money on children
Children grow up quickly, so their clothes will not fit them at the time, just as children are neglected and spoil their new expensive clothes.

10. Beating or threatening a child
Angering at or shouting at a child is not the most beneficial solution, but rather will create additional problems. According to one of the psychiatrists, the more you shout at your little one, the more likely she will ignore you. Fear is not the appropriate way to discipline your child. Instead of showing an authoritarian character who orders them to do some things, you should address them as if they were your friends.