By RFPosted on 12-12-2019Modified 12-12-2019 at 00:31

Third day Wednesday, December 11, in the appeal case of the Vice President of Equatorial Guinea Teodorin Obiang, in the so-called "Badly acquired property" case. During a hearing shorter than the previous days, the court heard representatives of the civil party and two witnesses.

The floor was first heard at Cored, a federation of Equatorial Guinean associations, whose constitution as a civil party is disputed. Its president described a country emptied, in his words, by the rampant corruption of the presidential family. " And those who dare to say it have only 3 destinies : the exile, the prison or the cemetery, " he said.

Already present at the first trial , Toutou Alicante returned to testify for Transparency International. This Equatorial Guinean lawyer in exile insisted on two points: first that he would like Teodorin Obiang to be tried in his country, but that it is impossible because of the executive's grip on the judiciary.

Then, that the 150 million euros of goods in question in this file are only the submerged part of the iceberg. And to cite other Obiang cases in Switzerland, the United States and Brazil. " Since the first trial, I have been named an enemy of the state by the presidency and I regularly receive threats, " he added.

The defense quoted Luca Abaga Nchama, current counselor to the Equatorial Guinean presidency and governor between 2010 and 2017 of the BEAC, the Bank of Central African States.

The " technical lighting " of the defense witness

In this case, three former successive directors of Societe Generale in Equatorial Guinea had testified of regular transfers of several million euros to the personal account of Teodorin Obiang , transfers issued by the Equatorial Guinean Treasury via the BEAC which keeps its funds.

As soon as he arrived at the helm, Luca Abaga Nchama warned: " I am only there to provide technical lighting ". So act, and a testimony to the end sometimes confused. Above all, Luca Abaga Nchama described the mechanisms that exist to control transfers over € 75,000 between banks in BEAC member states, including Equatorial Guinea, and abroad, without really explaining what he drew from them as conclusions. for this case.

And when, anticipating an opposing question, a defense attorney provokes it: " What do you think of the testimony of these three ex-directors who claim that their bank was under the controlled cut of the Obiang? He cuts short: " I would not want to meddle in political affairs ".

Me Bourdon, for the civil part, adds: " they say that it was impossible for them to refuse a financial operation to the Obiang family. The witness then quotes a Spanish proverb: " When one carries out a function, one must assume the responsibilities. Before finally adding, " The Obiang family are citizens. Obiang family or not, the banker must assume. The trial will resume Monday with the pleading of the civil parties.

    On the same subject

    "Badly acquired property": Obiang's lawyers raise procedural issues

    Trial of Teodorin Obiang: the first day sets the tone

    "Badly acquired property": Teodorin Obiang's appeal trial opens in Paris
