• New US-based shooting: The sheriff, 2 dead


7 December 2019After the attack on Wednesday in Pearl Harbor, it was the turn of the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. The assailant opened fire just before 7 am in a building that houses training classes, then he was killed. Four deaths and 7 injured the attack budget.

The Saudi officer had been in training at the base for two years and should have completed it next August. His program included English, the basics of aviation and the initial phase of piloting. The training was paid by Riad.

The Saudi soldier used a gun for his assault. The US media identify him as Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, an Saudi air force officer who attended the flight school at the base, one of hundreds of foreign soldiers who receive training here. Investigators are investigating the motive of the gesture and do not exclude the terrorist track.