The proposal of the experts that will arrive today in the Basque Chamber has a long way to go before it becomes a new statute. The difficulties in reaching agreements are materialized in a text that thirteen months after the start of the work of the paper returns to the Chamber fragmented, with a draft in which the fundamental agreements are between PNV and Elkarrekin Podemos, since, although the document It is also signed by the expert appointed by the PSE, the Socialists are taken off with particular votes in many aspects.

Far from the base agreement signed by PNV and EH Bildu at first, -the abertzale coalition presents its own text- the points agreed now by Elkarrekin Podemos and the PNV leave the door open to become a new 'Ibarretxe plan' after passing the processing in the Chamber , in which EH Bildu proposals could be added again. Much less disruptive, at the outset , than the one that Congress knocked down 15 years ago, the new status draft sets the stage for moving towards a similar article.


The Ibarretxe plan included the right of the Basque people to freely and democratically decide their own framework for organization and political relations, and constituted Euskadi as a free State associated with the Spanish State. Ratified by a referendum.

In the proposal of the experts that arrives today at the Chamber signed by Mikel Legarda (PNV), Arantxa Elizondo (Elkarrekin Podemos) and Alberto Basaguren (PSE), the right to decide constitutes the main focus of conflict, which he predicts, for a on the one hand, some discrepancies that can paralyze the agreement, and on the other, it leaves an open door towards more sovereignist postulates defended by EH Bildu. At this point each of the experts raises possible wording, one from PNV and another from Elkarrekin Podemos, both in similar terms, but with important nuances. The PNV speaks openly of the right to decide, just like the Ibarretxe plan, while Elkarekin Podemos calls it "the right of its citizens to express their will freely and democratically." In both cases, they introduce that it will be an exercise "agreed with the State", without considering the unilaterality of the Ibarretxe plan.


The proposed statute of former lehendakari Ibarretxe attributed to the Spanish State the exclusivity in the granting of Spanish nationality and foreigners, Defense and Armed Forces, weapons and explosives, monetary system, customs system of airspace control, merchant marine, and international relations ... That is, competencies recognized so far as exclusive to the State. In the draft that will serve as the basis of work towards the new statute there is no agreement between the signatories and it is the PNV that establishes that it will be the competence of the Basque Government, in addition to those contained in the Statute, which the State has not expressly reserved , in addition to "any other that Spain attributes, transfers or delegates from now on", in an attempt to assume most of the powers now held by the Spanish State. Elkarrekin Podemos and PSE downgrade it to those that "the Constitution does not reserve for the State."


The text proposed by the experts of PNV, Elkarrekin Podemos and PSEdista much of the proposal of Ibarretxe in this area, since that was attributed to the control of a Judicial Power independent of the State. The current one stipulates that it will be adapted to «the specificities that are included in the state legislation». However, the PNV goes a little further and by means of a particular vote adds that in addition to state legislation it will be in "attention to the foral tradition and historical powers and exercised by the Basque public authorities."


The PNV and Elkarrekin Podemos agree in the text the possibility of enabling consultations to be carried out to the citizens when reforming the Statute, prior to being referred to the Courts, although it is clarified that the query “would not be binding ». The Ibarretxe plan also included the possibility of the referendum even if there was no agreement on the Statute in the General Courts.


Ibarretxe created the "Basque nationality", compatible with Spanish nationality. The draft new statute means "Basque citizenship" to those people who have an administrative neighborhood in any of the municipalities of Euskadi. It eliminates the agreement in the bases between PNV and EH Bildu that distinguished between residents and Basque citizens, but the PNV expert introduces a particular vote in which “Basque nationality is recognized to Basque citizenship without affecting the equality of the individual ».


The draft does not include news regarding the relationship with the Regional Community, since it is established that it has the right to be part of the Basque Country, if it so wishes by following the procedure of the fourth transitory provision of the Constitution. The Ibarretxe plan also included the possibility of Navarra joining the Associated State of Euskadi if desired, for which a political negotiation would be established that should be ratified by the citizens of both communities.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Bildu
  • Navarre
  • Spain
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