"Ended the working day with an evening trip with the police at Norrmalm ..," writes Swedish Interior Minister Mikael Damberg in an post on Instagram, followed by a picture depicting police officers smiling up holding a jacket.

The jacket must have belonged to a person suspected of drug offenses, and must have had a value that exceeded the person's income. Nor could the suspect prove the purchase of the garment.

“The jacket was seized!” Damberg writes.

Many people reacted strongly, both positively and negatively, to the post posted on Friday. Damberg took it away after a while.

"Just provocative"

"The fact that one stands and is satisfied with the seizure taken from an individual on loose grounds is only provocative," writes lawyer Viktor Banke, in a comment on the now deleted post. Some have argued that the post is proof of the police's racial profiling of suspects, while others are worried that the suspect has been left jack-loose in the cold Stockholm night.

"The person was not left out in the cold"

During Tuesday morning, Damberg published a new post on Instagram, where he denies this, and responds to some of the criticism.

"For the seizure of the jacket there was suspicion of crime. The person was not left out in the cold. The decision was made by the police and prosecutors are allowed to decide whether it is enough to bring charges. "

Damberg also writes that the police should have received a lot of hatred after his post, and that this must have been a contributing reason for his deletion.