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The Nevado de Toluca Natural Park where the two men were kidnapped on Sunday. Pixabay / edgarcalleros

A French national was kidnapped Sunday in central Mexico, southwest of the capital, along with a Mexican citizen.

With our correspondent in Mexico, Alix Hardy

The Frenchman who was kidnapped Sunday was identified as Frederic Michel. He was kidnapped at the same time as a Mexican citizen, actor Alejandro Sandi, according to the French Embassy and local media.

Mexican authorities mobilized

The two men were walking on Sunday, November 24 in the morning, in all-terrain vehicles in the Nevado de Toluca National Park, southwest of the capital, Mexico City. According to the Mexican media, they were reportedly intercepted on the heights of the park by armed men who took them by force in their own vehicles.

The French Embassy confirmed the abduction and said it was in constant contact with the Mexican authorities who are mobilized. A special device of the police was set up to crisscross the area and try to find the two men.

1,690 kidnappings in 2019

The park where they were removed is a natural park frequented by many tourists who go there to hike the volcano there. The area is not a region notoriously contested by organized crime. Only petty crime is usually to be feared in the area. No hypothesis is favored at the moment.

The country is experiencing an upsurge in kidnappings . This year, more than 1,690 people were kidnapped in the country, according to the Mexican association Alto Al Secuestro. This figure has increased by more than 37.7% compared to the same period of 2018.