If the Riksdag chooses to declare a declaration of no confidence in Eva Nordmark (S), she must resign. Then she can become the Labor Minister who has spent the shortest time in her post. She was appointed by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven as late as September.

Politically, there may be advantages for several parties to try to oust Eva Nordmark. The Left Party and Jonas Sjöstedt can show that he is not at all a doormat for Stefan Löfven. Sjöstedt has recently been criticized internally in his party for the party being too disapproving of the government.


For the Moderates and the Christian Democrats, too, there would be a chance to clamp down on the government. Ulf Kristersson has signaled that the Moderates will be tougher as an opposition party and a declaration of confidence can show that Löfven's government is weak and vulnerable.

The Swedish Democrats probably do not think very much about the matter at all, but are always keen to dismiss an S-minister, no matter what the matter is about.

The fact that Jonas Sjöstedt chooses the reform of the Employment Service to try to dismiss Eva Nordmark is logical. The Left Party is fierce opponents of all forms of privatization.

However, in order to succeed in pushing through a declaration of confidence in Parliament, Jonas Sjöstedt needs to create something of an unholy alliance. To get a majority together, not only the Moderates and Christian Democrats, but also the arch-enemy of the Swedish Democrats are needed.

Get a mandate

However, the Left Party's mandate is not even sufficient for a formal request for a declaration of confidence. For that, another lot is needed. Therefore, if neither M nor KD wants to submit to this, he may be forced to request support from SD. But he seems to be prepared for that, despite all the talk of never cooperating with SD.

That the Sweden Democrats will hang on is fairly clear. They are always keen to dismiss an S minister. For the Moderates and the Christian Democrats, this is not as easy. The reform of the Employment Service, which the government now wants to implement, they have themselves been late - as late as last year.

The former Alliance opted to shut down the Public Employment Service and allow private actors to run the mediating business. Both M-leader Ulf Kristersson and KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor have been behind this.

Alliance crack

However, when the Alliance broke up and the Center Party and the Liberals chose to settle with the Social Democrats, however, the Center Party forced the issue of a privatization of the Employment Service in the so-called January Agreement. The Social Democrats were not particularly interested, but were forced to accept the scheme in order to continue to govern.

Recently, however, more and more critical voices have been raised against the change in the Employment Service.

The Moderates and the Christian Democrats have also made a critical statement about the reform, but still find it difficult to accept the demands of the Left Party to stop the reform completely. They don't think so.

Failed to convict the Attorney General

On the other hand, it will be tempting for Ulf Kristersson and Ebba Busch Thor to dismiss an S minister. A few weeks ago, they failed to fire Justice Minister Morgan Johansson. At that time, the SD requested a declaration of no confidence. Thus, a new chance may arise.

At the same time, every parliamentary decision has consequences. Historically, distrust polls have usually been initiated because individual ministers have been accused of obvious errors. This would be a vote held solely because the Minister is implementing the government's policy, which was also well known when the Riksdag released Löfven as prime minister.

In addition, a vote of no confidence in the reform of the Public Employment Service may appear politically absurd if one considers that the opposition, which largely wants this policy, chooses to dismiss the responsible minister, who does not want the policy, but who is still forced to try to implement it.

The road to a declaration of mistrust is thus far from the nail ridge.