The situation is becoming tense in Hong Kong. Police on Monday, November 18, used tear gas against dozens of pro-democracy protesters who tried to flee a university campus that surrounded it. Hundreds of protesters are always cut off.

According to state television RTHK, police arrested dozens of protesters in the morning near the Polytechnic University, theater since Saturday of clashes between protesters and police when a policeman was wounded by an arrow .

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Real balls

Thirty-eight people were injured in the night from Sunday to Monday, said the hospital administration. Reuters journalists found that protesters were suffering from burns after being sprayed with chemicals launched by the police via water cannons.

Police said they fired live ammunition three times when "rioters" attacked two officers trying to arrest a woman. No injuries were reported in the incident, she added, adding that the woman had escaped.

Earlier in the day, the police had warned that it was willing to respond to live ammunition if the "rioters" used lethal weapons and committed new violence, raising fears of further escalation since the beginning of the protest movement several months ago. .

"We will never give up"

As the police approached the barricades erected at the entrance of the Polytechnic University campus before dawn, the protesters entrenched themselves in the complex and set fire to the gate and gateway.

Some protesters suggested leaving the university campus, while others unfolded in different parts of the complex with Molotov cocktails.

Thousands of protesters and residents flocked from the nearby districts of the university to try to break through the roadblocks and rescue students stranded on campus.

The president of the Polytechnic University, Teng Jin-guang, said in a video posted online that he had concluded a truce with the police to allow the demonstrators to leave the campus in a peaceful way, but it was not known for the time if a truce was effective. Many protesters on campus said they would never give up.

With Reuters