A video has recently spread to students practicing a new challenge that is no less dangerous to life than the previous ones that have caused deaths.

The new game is called the "self-muting" challenge. Some young people gather around a colleague and ask him to breathe quickly, then mute himself and put pressure on his chest, specifically the heart area, causing him to faint and lose consciousness for a few seconds.

It has been spread among school students recently the game of the challenge of «strangulation», which almost claimed the lives of a student in a school in the country.

The new “self-muting” challenge is no less dangerous than its predecessor, causing low carbon dioxide, increased gases in the blood, increased heartbeat, and thus death.

The head of the cardiology and intensive care unit at Obaidullah Hospital in Ras Al Khaimah, and cardiologist Dr. Adel Abdullah Wassef, said that the game of "self-mutilation" poses a serious danger to the safety of students, and should prevent students from exercising, warning against promoting it on social networking sites.

Dr. Abeer Qasim, Consultant of Chest Diseases at the Hospital, pointed out that prolonged breathing can result in death due to lack of oxygen supply to the blood and brain, stroke, brain damage, change in heart rate and severe blood circulation.

She explained that the student was fainted as a result of lack of oxygen to the blood, which led to the cessation of the heart muscle. Qassem stressed the need to be aware of the seriousness of the game, because it leads to injuries to the organic and nervous student may lead to his life.

She added that families and schools should monitor students and not allow them to play challenge games, because of the real danger to their lives and physical integrity, stressing the need to raise awareness of the dangers of this type of games, especially those related to strangulation or mute breaths, to avoid their extreme effects on physical safety For children.