Aseel soldier - occupied Jerusalem

"Jerusalem is the only city I belong to in this world, despite its cruelty and complexity. It is not worth living for the weak hearts. It is a cruel and angry city, and sometimes it is difficult to understand, but once it feels that a person belongs to it, it gives him all the happiness, to realize immediately that all The difficulties he deserves are due to a small moment of happiness. "

With these words, the lawyer from the village of al-Mashhad near Nazareth, Hasan Badour, expressed her love for Jerusalem and her choice to live in it a decade ago.

Born in 1989 in the village of al-Mashhad, she moved to live with her family in Nazareth, before deciding to attend the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to study law in 2008, and then to study a master's degree in international law at the same university.

When the young woman came to Jerusalem to study at university, she had only visited her three times in her life, but she quickly became attached to the city despite her profound contradictions and the difficulties facing Jerusalemites in their daily lives.

Hassan participates and cheers with Jerusalemites in all their national events (Al Jazeera)

Dreams squandered by reality
On her choice of law, Badour said she, like any other teenager, believed and dreamed that she could make a change after getting a law degree, but that this naive soon faded after being enrolled in an Israeli university and realized that I would not be able to achieve social justice or change. Through Israeli law. "

The opportunity to join the Hebrew University in Jerusalem allowed her to socialize with the Jewish community, and she quickly realized that the colonial mentality and military doctrine were rooted in all segments of Israeli society, including the liberals.

“I wanted to go to university during the war in Gaza in 2008, and this led me to make sure that there is no right and left in Israel when the war breaks out. There is absolute identification with the policy of wisdom of war, no matter what the student claims to be liberal, because the overwhelming majority have served in the army, part of them. He went to the reserve service during the war. This is how my consciousness matured and I realized that there is no difference between a civilian and a military in this society, and I discovered that there is no room for discussion regarding our humanity as Palestinians.

The personality of the Palestinian lawyer has evolved through the social experience and the new independent life, in addition to participating in the public space from organizing and participating in events and demonstrations, and confronting the Israeli students most expressing their hatred of the Palestinians.

Hassan has evolved her character through social experience and new independent life (Al Jazeera)

Between people and with them
Badour's activity has developed beyond the scope of its university, and began joining the protests alongside Jerusalemites to support the hunger strikers and in support of the Arab revolutions with its launch in 2011, and does not hesitate to be present in the field during the annual events such as Earth Day and the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. Feminist.

The Jerusalemites are thousands of them among them, and they are eagerly waiting for their new chants, which are shouting their throat. The vessels of the door of the pillar and our sovereignty on it before the occupation suppressed us. "

Hassan is keen to hold on to her place when the occupation forces crack down on the protesters.He says that she does not choose it but is an immediate reaction.He feels that her voice rises by shouting automatically, refuses to leave or flee, and prefers confrontation with those who want to suppress her because she expresses her opinion freely.

"O Merah, O Norhan Somoudko by conquering the jailer," "No victims, no flasks, we are the ones with liberation money," "We did not want gold or Bahwana gold .. We wanted a feminist revolution from Jerusalem to the Negev," "Come, our moon and do .. light the ball The earth .. What created us live make .. We created live freely. "

Some of the chants play a role in composing them and others are quoting and releasing them during the demonstrations.

This field activity is accompanied by her office work in the field of legal research and advocacy at the Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights, and her keenness to write articles in English for several sites on issues of prisoners and the stories of martyrs and the Palestinian struggle.

After 11 years of settling in the holy city, Bourdour has been ascertained by the depth of consciousness of the living Jerusalem street, which is not waiting for dictations from anyone, she said.

She added that in the gates of electronic portals in the summer of 2017, she had the honor to sit in the gates of Al-Aqsa with people, and learned every day how to resist instinct, and how Jerusalemites reached a stage where they do not need guidance from anyone.

Despite the fact that the living space is more and more narrow, the Palestinian lawyer believes that there is no happiness in this world as her and her friends are sitting while sipping tea on the terraces of Bab al-Amoud or walking in the city at night. This is an exceptional happiness that deserves to be fought for and restored whenever it is robbed from U.S".