High-heeled shoes are a way to appeal to women, prompting many women to wear them when they leave the house, heading to work, shopping, or visiting. But there is an unnoticed problem associated with his role in causing traffic accidents, some of which were fatal.

A security source confirmed to Emirates Today that there is a real problem in using high heels while driving.

He said: "In view of several incidents committed by women, it turned out that they could not control the brake pedal well, because of the high heel of the shoe," pointing out that «this problem usually occurs in crowded areas», where women have to use the brakes a lot, which is difficult "They wear high heels."

According to Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazrouei, Director General of Dubai Police Traffic Department, women were more committed during the period from January 1 to the end of September this year, recording 91 accidents resulting in three deaths and 129 injuries, compared to 120 accidents during the same period last year. It resulted in nine deaths and 182 injuries.

He added that the percentage of accidents committed by women since the beginning of this year until the end of last September is 9.4% of the total incidents recorded in Dubai (which resulted in deaths or injuries).