The Cancer Foundation's research committee decided on Wednesday to distribute SEK 670 million to various educational institutions in the country. The University of Gothenburg is one of them, and receives a total of SEK 70 million. Maria Falkenberg is one of the researchers who can get the money.

- It means a lot to know that my group has funding for the next three years, she says.

Children with cancer suffer later in life

Maria Falkenberg's research is about examining why children who have been treated for cancer can suffer from other disease symptoms when they grow up. It can be heart failure, hearing loss or balance disorders. Of the 70 million allocated to the University of Gothenburg, just over five million will go to this particular research.

- This means that I can pursue a whole new research focus in my laboratory. We can study new issues and hopefully open up a new field of research, ”says Maria Falkenberg.

Damage to DNA can be the cause

The hypothesis is that damaged mitochondrial DNA may be one of the reasons that adults treated for cancer as children suffer from the symptoms. This is partly because these symptoms are common in patients with mitochondrial disease.

- With this support from the Cancer Foundation, we now have the opportunity to investigate whether our ideas are correct. Then we can contribute to the development of new cancer drugs with less late side effects, says Maria Falkenberg.