Social networking sites published a spectacular scene of thousands of Iraqi demonstrators in Tahrir Square in Baghdad chanting "no sectarian anymore" with the artist Jalal Kamel.

The video has garnered thousands of views from different Iraqis and Arabs since it aired yesterday.

مشهد افتخرخر_انتانتانت مشهد🇮🇶 مشهد🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶 🇮🇶🇮🇶 مشهد مشهد مشهد مشهد مشهد
For the brave Iraqi people
Demonstrated in Tahrir Square!
Great homage and honor
For this heroic patient people
Chanting with #Artist_Jalal_Kamel
((No sectarian anymore)
I love you to repeat with them this sentence and I am the first of you.

- Firas W. Alsarray ⭕️ (@firasalsarrai) November 10, 2019

Protests calling for reforms in Iraq continue with bloody violence that has since October 1 killed 323 people, mostly demonstrators, and injured more than 15,000.