Montreal (AFP)

Famed Canadian rocker Neil Young has begun the process of obtaining US citizenship in order to vote in the upcoming presidential elections in 2020, but his use of cannabis complicates the process, reads his website.

At the dawn of his 74 years, the singer-songwriter was delighted in an article published Friday to have passed an exam where he answered "honestly" to the many questions that were asked, explaining also having to to undergo another because of his cannabis use.

US authorities said in April that potential citizens can not be involved in "certain activities related to marijuana", even if it is legal in their state or country of origin, as is the case in Canada, wrote the singer.

Young added that he hopes to "vote according to my conscience for Donald J. Trump or his fellow candidates - who are not yet appointed".

In 2018, the singer, who instead supported the Democrat Bernie Sanders, prevented Donald Trump from using his title "Rockin in the Free World" to launch his campaign, until the future US president asked his permission.

With about forty studio records to his credit, the legend of rock released in October his latest album entitled "Colorado".

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