India Supreme Court ruling on sacred ground for religious conflicts alerted nationwide November 9th 20:53

In India, a court over the ownership of sacred land that has long been a symbol of Hindu-Muslim confrontation, the Indian Supreme Court said the land belonged to the Hindu side, while the Muslim side replaced I handed down a judgment to give land. Vigilance continues throughout the country, as judgments can cause confusion and conflicts.

The land in question is a sacred place of Hindu deity in Ayodhya, a town in northern India, triggered by the extinct Hindu destruction of the Islamic mosque in 1992. It has become a symbol of confrontation, such as repeated riots around the country over its ownership.

On the 9th, the Indian Supreme Court ordered the land to belong to the Hindus and to build a Hindu temple under government control, while the Muslims had a replacement land nearby. I gave a judgment that I ordered to give.

Prime Minister Modi advocating Hindu supremacy called for a calm response to the public regarding the ruling as “no winner or loser,” whereas Muslims said, “The ruling is not what we expected.” Expressed dissatisfaction.

In response to the ruling, there is a risk of new confusion and conflicts in the future. In India, security has been strengthened throughout the country and schools have been closed. We are calling for attention not to get involved in the situation.