
The film director, Roman Polanski. AFP

According to her testimony, the filmmaker hit her until she stopped resisting and subsequently raped her

The Polanski case, step by step

The latest accusation of sexual assault against Polanski has prescribed

A 62-year-old French woman has accused Franco-Polish film director Roman Polanski of having raped her in Switzerland in 1975, when she was 18 , in a platform signed by herself that publishes Le Parisien on Saturday.

Actress and photographer Valentine Monnier claims to have decided to break her silence after such a long time in response to Polanski's new film , J'accuse - based on Emile Zola's famous plea in favor of Captain Richard Dreyfus -, with whom, the woman says , the director tries to clean his image by presenting the victim of a judicial error .

Polanski has been weighing for four decades a search and seizure order for the rape of a child in the United States in 1977 , and has been accused by several women of sexual abuse, although never so far by a French woman.

"In 1975 I was raped by Roman Polanski. I had no connection with him , neither personal nor professional, I hardly knew him. It was not in the excess of a party (neither alcohol nor drugs) . It was of extreme violence, after a descent skiing, in his chalet in Gstaad (Switzerland) ", writes Monnier in his text in Le Parisien.

According to her testimony, the filmmaker hit her until she stopped resisting and subsequently raped her, causing her to suffer "all the vicissitudes".

The director's lawyer, Hervé Temine , told Le Parisien that Polanski "strongly rejects any accusation of rape" and recalls that the events occurred 44 years ago and were never brought to justice.

Monnier says he was silent because "considering the impotence of justice," I would not have found "any relief by expressing myself in public and exposing my relatives uselessly."

" J'accuse has marked my limit," says the woman at the end of her grandstand.

Nevertheless, since 2017 and spurred on by the case of producer Harvey Weinstein - accused of having sexually assaulted dozens of women - Monnier wrote letters telling his story to the Los Angeles police, to the wife of French President Brigitte Macron , to the Secretary of State for Equality, Marlène Schiappa.

The latter replied: "The facts are prescribed today and it is impossible for me to intervene in legal proceedings in another country. However, I wish to show my full support for your courageous initiative."

In the last Mostra of Venice, Polanski's film took the award for best director , although the president of the jury, Argentina's Lucrecia Martel, did not attend the gala in which the filmmaker's last work was screened.

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