U.S.-China summit next month will be delayed or adjustment of the venue will be delayed November 7 8:02

Due to the delay in the coordination of the venue and agreement between the two governments over the summit meeting in the United States and China that has been readjusted following the cancellation of the APEC Summit, the scheduled date for this month has come. There is a possibility of slipping into the moon.

The two governments in the United States, in response to the fact that APEC summit meeting that had been scheduled for Chile in the middle of this month has been canceled, is promoting the re-adjustment by performing a summit meeting of the Trump President Xi Jinping Jintao in a different location The

Under these circumstances, Reuters and other media may no longer hold plans for the summit meeting on the 6th, as President Trump's hopes for the United States disappeared, and plans to start in Asia or Europe have begun to be considered. I told you that

On top of that, we are telling us that there is a possibility that it will be held in Sweden, Switzerland, and London where NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit will be held from 3rd of next month.

The two governments are also working on making the content agreed in last month's trade negotiations a formal document. It seems to be related to postponement.

If both leaders sign the document, President Trump may withdraw some of the tariffs on imported goods from China, and there is interest in whether the summit will be realized.